Study Tips

How Can We Get the Most Out of Studying?

Before we start, we need to explain what studying is. 

Studying is looking at information and making sure that you understand what it means and can explain why it is important. By studying, you are making sure that you know why information is important and you can explain the meaning of the information on a test or to someone who is interested. 

Here are some good ways to make sure you study effectively.

1.     Avoid distractions!
Some ways to do that:
Study in a quiet place
Do not talk on the phone or watch T.V. while you study
Eat a healthy snack before studying
Clear the space you are working on
Make sure you have EVERYTHING you need BEFORE you start
2.     Don’t cram!
Plan ahead and pace yourself. Review or study a little every day so you don’t have to pile it all on at once.

3.     Take a break!
If you find you are losing focus, do some jumping jacks or take a short walk. Then go back to your work.

4.     Listen to music while you study!
This is not for everyone, but some people find it helps them to focus when there is background noise. Others need it to be completely silent. Find what works for you. I need music or noise to study!

Focus on the vocabulary. Read the word and its definition. Write the word and the definition. Try to use the word in a sentence. If you can use it in a sentence correctly, then you probably know what it means. Once you’ve mastered the word, keep reading and expand your knowledge. Connect the vocabulary word to other words and concepts within the chapter. Build on what you learn.

6. Teach what you have learned to 

someone else!

This is a very useful way to know that you have understood what you have studied. If the person you are teaching asks you questions and you are able to answer them, you have studied both effectively and efficiently. 

Remember: You are studying because you want to learn about something or learn a new skill. Studying is a skill like any other. In order to be good at something and increase your skills, you need to practice. 

You can do this by making flash cards and testing yourself! 

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