Student of the Week

Week Thirty-Nine: Ibuki Tokuda

Our final Student of the Week for the year is Ibuki 'Dr. Skabooks Popkuda' Tokuda who earns the award for the second time this year. Ibuki has spent the entire year putting as much effort as possible into everything he does. We look forward to seeing you on TV some day in the near future, Dr. Pop!

Week Thirty-Eight: Yebin Kim

Thank you, Yebin, for all of the hard work this year. You have shown what it means to be consistent and always strive to be the very best. May you remain at the top of the triangle of success and keep reaping the benefits of all of your effort.

Week Thirty-Seven: Johnny D.

Well done, Johnny!. It's about time.

Week Thirty-Six: Yuka Ishida

It has been more than just a spectacular week for Yuka. She has had an incredible year and it has been heartening to watch her always put forth her very best effort in absolutely everything she has done. This said, she earns the award this week for outstanding acts of empathy and kindness. She has often shown these very traits but one thing that stands out is how she does not reserve kind words and reassurance for only her friends but will extend a helping hand to any member of our class who needs one.  

Week Thirty-Five: Takahiro Tanaka

Takahiro had put in an incredible amount of work in everything he has done not just in the past week, but for the past three. He has excitedly compiled a list of questions in preparation for his upcoming Science project and has made valuable contributions in class in all subjects. He has also been very helpful to others. Despite a brief incident involving Dr. Skabooks Popkuda and some glue yesterday, Takahiro still earns the award this week.  

Week Thirty-Four: Dr. Kristoph R. von der Yehhauzen

Dr. Kristoph R. von Der Yehhauzen is known for his quiet personality but every so often, he has been known to contribute some brilliant ideas in class. This past week was no exception and Kristopher demonstrated how to solve difficult problems in both Science and Maths last week Friday. Thank you for showing all of the other students that if you just think about what you need to find out or demonstrate, you can solve even the most difficult problems. 

Week Thirty-Three: Richard Chung

Richard has had a fantastic week for more than one reason. He has taken my advice regarding Achieve 3000 quite seriously and this week broke a personal record by getting 100% on three activities in a row. He has also spent the past few weeks defeating the urge to get dragged around the classroom by the Zootopian Trade Winds. This has had a very positive effect on his ability to perform as well as he can in class. The most important reason why Richard has earned this award is what he did in the lunch room yesterday. While helping his classmates, one of our Grade 6 students accidentally dropped most of the drinks he was handing out to his class. This happened right next to the Grade 5 table at which Richard was sitting. While those sharing the table with Richard either carried on eating as though nothing happened or stopped to laugh at the student who had dropped the drinks, Richard got up and helped the student to pick up the drinks. Richard, you are a true hero. Keep this up and before you know it, a Grade 5 in the future will be drawing a picture of you during Heroes Week.

Week Thirty-Two: Shogo Ueno

It has been yet another fantastic week among many for Shogo who has once again used his reading and listening skills to impress all of us. Shogo did really well during our discussions following the Science Fair. We can always count on him to focus on details and clarify any points during such discussions. Thanks, Shogo!

Week Thirty-One: Eaton E. Lin

Dr. Eaton E. Lin earns the award for an outstanding effort throughout the week. Eaton has dug deeper as often as possible while reading Achieve 3000 and dazzled me with his brilliance when he read, carefully comprehended, and brilliantly retold both his Fiction and Non-Fiction stories during his RAZ test. Thank you, Eaton!

Week Thirty: Ashley Wang

Ash Dub wins the award this week in acknowledgement of the contribution she makes to both classroom discussions and the classroom environment in general. Ashley brings humour to any situation in the room and her ability to both crack jokes and get the jokes of others in a flash make learning in her presence a great deal of fun. Ashley is a strong proponent of social justice and has done well to both enlighten and defend her classmates with this in mind. Well done, Ash Dub!

Week Twenty-Nine: Jia Qi Gooi

It would take a very long time to list all of the reasons why Jia Qi deserves the award of Student of the Week in general. One of the most important of these is her exceptional performance throughout the month of March, particularly with regard to the International Expo display that she produeced all by herself. Jia Qi is unafraid of hard work and her fantastic work ethic and constant desire to work hard are what put her ahead of the pack so often. Excellent work, JQ!

Week Twenty-Eight: Hohomi Makise

The Hohomi we see in our class today is very different to the shy girl we met in August when she joined us from Japan. Hohomi has surpassed all expectations of a student who has never learned English before. She used her skills and discipline to achieve everything she has thus far and serves as a fine example for all of us on a daily basis. Thank you, Hohomi!

Week Twenty-Seven: Ashley Cheng

Ashley has shown a lot of improvement in her work this year. In addition to this, she has spent the year offering help wherever possible and is fearless when it comes to retrieving soccer and dodge balls from the hardest to reach parts of the playground. Regardless of the obstacle, Ashley is always willing to help others. 

Week Twenty-Six: Ibuki Tokuda

Ibuki takes the prize this week for his consistently good performance. He has mastered the art of note-taking and continues to impress us with his ever-improving research skills.  The originality and quality of his written work is what has been most impressive about his performance lately. Great work, Dr. Popkuda!

Week Twenty-Five: William Lu

William has shown improvement in every aspect of school life from being a frequent Dojo Master, to independently striving to improve his reading skills, to showing Math problems who is really in charge and scoring one of the finest goals during recess soccer. Well done this week, Dr. von der LuHauzen

Week Twenty-Four: Natalie Yang

Natalie perseveres daily to be the best student she can be. She has done a fine job of demonstrating what literacy is all about throughout the past week. Natalie has shown a genuine love of reading and storytelling which has inspired all of us to go in search of more stories and ideas.

Week Twenty-Three: Yuka Ishida

Yuka is extremely determined to work to the best of her ability at all times and in everything she does. She maintains a cheerful and positive attitude throughout the day and is an inspiration when it comes to showing how one should best strive to overcome challenges we face in class. 

Week Twenty-Two: Jaforee
Week Twenty-One: Jaforee
Week Twenty: Jaforee
Week Nineteen: Jaforee

Week Eighteen: Anita Chen

Anita earns the award this week for being independent and always willing to help. She always does her best to assist anyone who needs help whenever possible. She is a great participator in class discussions and continues to add important ideas to our lessons. 

Week Seventeen: Yu Shimono

Yu has performed consistently well in class throughout the year and continues to deliver impressive results. She contributes a lot of interesting information and insights and always keeps up guessing when it comes to her brilliant ideas. Yu's assertion that she could turn her pencil into a diamond and that the word 'purple' can be used to describe a giraffe are just two among many of these great ideas.

Week Fifteen: Jaforee N. Visible

Jaforee was the only student who came to school on January 2, 3, and 4. So he claims. I asked Mr. Lin who said he didn't see him. We will never know for sure. 

Week Fifteen: GaYoung Noh

GaYoung earns the award this week for her consistent and outstanding effort in everything she does. GaYoung works very carefully each day ensuring that she avoids making unnecessary mistakes. When she does make mistakes, she is sure to learn how to avoid making the same mistake again. She knows what education is all about which is what earns her the award this week.

Week Fourteen: Hohomi Makise

Hohomi has been working extremely hard since she first joined our class at the end of August. Although she was new to Taiwan and has never studied at an all English school before, Hohomi kept up her absolute best effort both in class and while doing homework. She has shown with great determination that you can learn how to learn in a completely new environment. Well done, Hohomi! We are all VERY proud of you!

Week Thirteen: Shogo Ueno

Shogo has written his way to being our Student of the Week this week though this is not the only reason he has earned the award. Shogo contributes really well in class discussions, uses his research skills to solve any problem he faces, and always provides details when explaining how he arrived at an answer. Shogo's writing skills which include his ability to answer multiple-step questions in complete sentences is the true reason he is our Student of the Week. Excellent work, Doctor Uenovski!

Week Twelve: Katrina So

This week we see Katrina in 3D! She earns the award for three particular things and all of these things happen to start with the letter 'D'. Katrina is a Disciplined student who demonstrates a Determination to solve problems and succeed even when she is not sure. The final 'D' is for Details which Katrina always pays careful attention to, especially when answering questions. Well done, Katrina!

Week Eleven: Winston Yu

This has been a fantastic week for Winston. Not only has he proven himself to be a Grammar Guru, he has also made a huge impression on our esteemed in-house Social Studies Department. I am very proud of the great improvement you have shown this week. Well done, Win Win Situation!

Week Ten: Koharu Chiba

Well done this week, Koharu! Koharu earns the award this week for consistently outstanding work. She has all the skills needed to be very successful in Grade 5. Among these are her listening skills and her ability to be efficient and organized all day, every day. Thank you for your tireless effort, Koharu!

Week Nine: JiaQi Gooi

JiaQi is our deserving recipient this week. She always works hard in class and when she makes a mistake, she is sure to fix it and make sure she does not make the same mistake again. JiaQi is also one of the best listeners in class. She only has to hear her teacher mention something (a due date, an upcoming test, or anything else that is expected of Grade 5s) once and she makes a mental note to ensure that she does not miss the deadline or not meet the teacher's expectations. JiaQi, you are a superstar!

Week Eight: Jim Wu

Jim has spent the first eight weeks of Grade 5 determined to be more responsible and independent. He has, .like all students do, made some mistakes in the past few weeks but he has not only taken full responsibility for these, he has independently set about fixing his mistakes. Nice work, Jim!

Week Seven: Heather Cheng

Heather receives the award this week for outstanding work in all subjects. When Heather forgot to take her Social Studies homework home this week, she independently contacted one of her classmates so that she could know what she needed to do and she completed the work on her own in order to submit it when it was due. Thank you, Heather!

Week Six: Richard Chung

We've reached the end of Week Six and our Student of the Week is Richard Chung. Richard has earned the award for a number of reasons. Richard consistently sets a good example in class and works hard to show all of his classmates how a top-notch student makes their way successfully through a school day. In addition to this, Richard scored the most points twice in the past week on Achieve 3000. In one day, he scored more points than any other Achieve 3000 Kidbiz user at HIS and on another, he scored more points than any other user IN TAIWAN! Nice work, Richard. 

Week Five: Yebin Kim

Week Five has come to an end and after a very good start to the year, a much-deserving Yebin wins the award this week. Yebin is a superstar helper and volunteer in class. She is always on time, always prepared for class, and always does her best even when she does not understand. 

Week Four: Jaforee N. Visible

Week Four was a very short week due to the typhoon so the award has to go to the only kid who came to school on Tuesday and Wednesday. Well done, Jaforee!

Week Three: Duncan Tseng

This has been an incredible start to the year for Detective Tseng. Not only has he solved mysteries like 'The Case of the Missing Thesaurus' and helped other students find their homework book tags when nobody else can find them, Duncan has been extremely helpful in a number of ways. Add to that the fact that his map investigation skills are yet-unmatched by any other student in the class and you will understand why, among many worthy recipients, Duncan is our Student of the Week this week. 

Week Two: Jaforee N. Visible

Week Two was a very short week with the Mid-Autumn Festival so the award had to go to the only kid who came to school on Thursday and Friday. Well done, Jaforee!

Week One: Boffi Lin

Choosing our first Student of the Week was no easy task this week as there are a number of students who deserved the award. It took a number of 'standout' moments from Boffi to make her the worthiest recipient this week. Some of these included her ability to complete her morning routine quickly and correctly, turning in homework completed and on time, and being sure to ask questions to ensure that she is always able to complete tasks accurately. Well done and thank you for your effort!


  1. Cool picture of Jaforee.

  2. Mr.Robus
    How did you make that

    1. Hello Eaton,

      I found it on Google Images.

      I wish I knew how to make something like that. I am going to try to learn how it is done when I have some free time.

  3. Mr Robus, maybe there is camera and someone is standing behide the camera and the person is making a shadow? and they're putting shoes there just to make it look cool????

  4. or it's just a people standing and they delete the person but the shadow still stay there?
