Thursday 20 April 2017

Week 31 Update

5th Grade Weekly Update
Dear Parents,
With just one week of April to go, the end of our Fifth Grade year approaches steadily. We still have more lined up before we could possibly say we are ready for it to be over. With the month of May comes our annual May 1st Field trip along with a number of school-wide and in-class activities that include our Art Exhibition and research-based argument essays.  
What we learned this week
Maths: Topic 15 Solving and Writing Equations and Inequalities
Literacy: Comparison Essay Writing/A Focus on Plays – The Case of the Runaway Appetite
Science: Chapter 5 – The Water Cycle
Social Studies: Chapter 12 The Years After The War – Chapter Wrap-Up and In-class comparison poster project. 
What we will learn After Spring Break
Maths: Topic 16 Ratio and Percent
Literacy: A Focus on Plays – The Case of the Runaway Appetite
Science: Chapter 5: The Water Cycle – Chapter Wrap Up and Test.
Social Studies: Chapter 13 Decades of Change.  
Student of the Week:
Well done, Eaton E. Lin.

1.     Our Science Fair will be held on Thursday, April 27th. Although the Grade 5 class will not be presenting this year, please feel free to visit and take a look at some of the projects and presentations based on experiments conducted by our Kindergarten, Grade 2, Grade 4, and Grade 6 students.
2.     IOWA Week: The IOWA tests will be written next month, during the week of May 15th to 19th.

Have a good weekend.  

Mr. Robus

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