Friday 14 April 2017

Week 30 Update

5th Grade Weekly Update
Dear Parents,
Welcome back! I hope that you had a pleasant Spring Break. With the vacation over and the first week back at an end, we’re already halfway through month of April. This month brings with it our Grade 5 Heroes Week, which involves speeches about each of our heroes each day of the week. It also involves Write Now activities involving ideas about people who inspire us. In addition to this, Tuesday brings with it an Art lesson about photorealism during which the students will draw a picture of their hero in such that way that it looks like a black and white photograph.
What we learned this week
Maths: Topic 14 Measurement Units, Time, and Temperature/Topic 15 Solving and Writing Equations and Inequalities
Literacy: Comparison Essay Writing/A Focus on Plays – The Case of the Runaway Appetite
Science: Chapter 5 – The Water Cycle
Social Studies: Chapter 12 The Years After The War
What we will learn After Spring Break
Maths: Topic 15 Solving and Writing Equations and Inequalities
Literacy: Comparison Essay Writing/A Focus on Plays – The Case of the Runaway Appetite
Science: Chapter 5 – The Water Cycle
Social Studies: Chapter 12 The Years After The War – Chapter Wrap-Up and In-class comparison poster project.  
Student of the Week:
Well done, Ashley Wang.

1.     Our Science Fair will be held on Thursday, April 27th. Although the Grade 5 class will not be presenting this year, please feel free to visit and take a look at some of the projects and presentations based on experiments conducted by our Kindergarten, Grade 2, Grade 4, and Grade 6 students.
2.     IOWA Week: The IOWA tests will be written next month, during the week of May 15th to 19th.

Have a good weekend.  

Mr. Robus

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