Monday 7 November 2016

Week 10 Spelling (Please note that we will now be naming the weeks by whichever week we are in with everything else - BEWARE of Aliens!)

Spelling Words

  1. excite
  2. concern
  3. imagine
  4. continue
  5. enforce
  6. propose
  7. condition
  8. resident
  9. possible
  10. fashionable
  11. consist
  12. prefix
  13. sensitive
  14. suitable
  15. vacant
  16. preserve
  17. dangerous
  18. vacation
  19. terrible
  20. accident
Academic Words;
  1. solid
  2. liquid
  3. gas
  4. boom
  5. prospector
  6. bust
  7. treaty
  8. reservation

Challenge Words

  1. confront
  2. preamble
  3. astonish
  4. excellent
  5. reversible
  6. juvenile
  7. amateur
  8. durable

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