Thursday 8 September 2016

Weekly Update - September 9th, 2016

5th Grade Weekly Update
Dear Parents,
Welcome once again to the new school year and to Grade 5 at HIS.
The first two weeks have been spent familiarizing the students with our routines in Grade 5. We have worked together to ensure that every student is aware of the need for organization at this level and the students have done well to adapt to the new system.
It has been good to see the level of interest in learning exhibited by each of the students so far and I have certainly enjoyed getting to know them better since the start of the school year. Now that our initial diagnostic and formative assessments are mostly completed, I am happy for us to start tackling the curriculum in a more in-depth fashion and I look forward to all of the work the students will produce in the coming year.

What we learned This week
Math: Topic 1 –  Place Value
Literacy: Realistic Fiction/Sequence of Events/Narrative Perspective  
Science: Part One – The Nature of Science
Social Studies: Ch. 1 The Land  - Landforms
What we will learn Next week
Math: Topic 2 – Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers and Decimals
Literacy: Fiction/Non-Fiction. Predicting outcomes/Narrator’s Perspective/Personal Narratives  
Science: Part One – The Nature of Science
Social Studies: Ch. 1 The Land  - Landforms
Student of the Week: Congratulations to Boffi Lin. Be sure to check out the Student Of The Week page of our blog to find out how Boffi beat out some tough competition to be our first Student of the Week.
Dojo Masters:  We will begin using Class Dojo the week after next so watch this space to find out who our first Dojo Masters for the year are.
  1. Please be sure to log in to Achieve 3000 at least twice a week.
  2. Log in to your RAZ Readers as often as you possibly can and make sure that you understand what you read.
  3. Keep rehearsing our morning routine to be sure that you are ready to start learning at the start of every lesson each day.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Mr. Robus

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